A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides essential nutrients
- Diet Strategies Healthy eating significantly boosts overall health and well-being
- Workout Plans A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from all food groups
- Weight Loss Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals
- Active Lifestyle Prioritizing a healthy diet improves energy levels and mood
I’m Joan Foodman — your personal nutritionist
We will develop for you a unique nutrition program for weight loss and positive tone of the whole body
- Every day from 8:00 to 12:00
- +49260-5731-08
Try healthy eating and feel changes
- Increased Energy
- Strong Immunity
- Weight Control
- Healthy Skin
- Mood Improvement
- Better Sleep
- Healthy Heart
Video Gallery
The new life
with healthy food
what we propose
Our Services
nutrition prices
Choose your program and get the 100% result
We will develop for you a unique nutrition program for weight loss and positive tone of the whole body
- 1 hour individual training
- Personal trainings plan creation
- Meal and diet plan creation
- Free support and advice
- Health monitoring
- 1 hour individual training
- Personal trainings plan creation
- Meal and diet plan creation
- Free support and advice
- Health monitoring
What My Clients Say
Konečně po 3 letech se začínám díky Jako proutek a cvičení cítit lépe, děkuji všem trenérkám 🙃.
Skvělý přístup a můžu říct, že jenom velký palec nahoru. Na trenérky se můžeme obrátit kdykoli, když něco potřebujeme vysvětlit, ukázat, upravit, nebo poradit..
Do tohoto fitka chodím pravidelně již druhým rokem. Po covidu jsem se nemohla dočkat, až ho zase otevřou a budeme se moci zase scházet s holkama. Výborné trenérky, čisté prostředí.
Skvělé trenérky, příjemné a čisté prostředí, vychytaný cvičební program..
The books about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle
Similar to other training regimens, bodybuilding requires progressive overload to continue making gains.
- How to reduce weight
- Ways to improve health
- Diet recommendations
- Lifestyle and sports